Greenside Music students are a hard-working and talented bunch!
Every half term, you'll be treated with a performance from one of Catherine's students and one of Georgina's students.
They'll also say a few words about why they're proud of this particular student.
Winter 1 Half Term: Emma
Catherine says:
“Emma started lessons when she was 6-years-old.
In the past 17 years, a lot has changed.
She now lives in a different country, has a husband, and is expecting her first baby.
One thing that’s remained constant throughout is piano.
I’m so proud of everything Emma has accomplished in the past 17 years, both in and out of lessons.
Emma and I both have strong memories of the first recital she performed in.
It was an improvisation based on a fantastically imaginative story Emma created called “The Cheese House Adventures.”
Many years have passed, but The Cheese House Adventures live on and are frequently brought up in her lessons.
The piece she’s playing here, Remote Xianggelila, was also given a storyline to help her convey the emotion and bring the piece to life.
She may be older, but imagination, creativity, and humour still play key roles in her lessons.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Emma, and I hope that piano continues to be an important escape for her. And Emma - if your child wants piano lessons, you know where I am!”
What does piano mean to Emma?
"I have really valued having my piano lessons while growing up.
Whatever comes up in life I know I have a sanctuary waiting every week where I can lose myself in learning the piano."
Emma's performance
A piece both Emma and Catherine have enjoyed recently is "Remote Xianggelila" (a Grade 8 piano piece)